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B&L in the Community

The B&L compony and its employees believe very strongly in giving back to the community as much as possible.  Below are organizations in which B&L contributes to as well as links to their organizational web pages.

Wings of Hope

Wings of Hope

Give the gift of hope and help spread awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault in our community. All proceeds from the Hope Takes Flight program go directly to helping victims and supporting community advocacy and prevention programs.

The B&L butterfly was purchased to support Wings of Hope in Stillwater.  It incorporates our colors as well as Murphy, one of the B&L dogs. B&L is a frequent monetary donar to this organization.

Public Edcuation Foundation


Stillwater Public Education Foundation  or (SPEF) is a non-profit foundation that helps teachers realize classroom dreams that help educate their students through grant proposals.  The Stillwater Community is very much involved in helping fund teacher these grants.  Since the SPEF inception, more than $1 Million has been provided to SPS classes through our teacher grants and technology initiatives, positively impacting thousands of Stillwater students.

B&L is a yearly monetary supporter of SPEF.  

Big Brother Big Sisters

Big Brothers,

Big Sisters

As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18, in communities across the country.  They develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.

B&L is a yearly monetary contributor to this sensational organization.



Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a non-profit organization that trains volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children in the court system. The CASA program was developed in Seattle by a judge who was plagued with the feeling that he did not have adequate information about the cases he was hearing. There are now nearly 1,000 CASA programs in cities across the United States. Oklahoma currently has 23 local CASA programs.

B&L is a yearly monetary contributor to this wonderful organization.

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Relay is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 27 countries. Volunteers give of their time and effort because they believe it's time to take action against cancer.

B&L has been a proud Silver Sponsor of Relay for Life since 2009.

Oklahoma Natural Gas

Oklahoma Natural Gas

The Share the Warmth program is funded by contributions and donations from customers and corporations. Customers can add an additional amount above what they owe on their energy and heating bill and designate the additional money to go towards this program.

The money that the company raises is transferred to local Salvation Army branches, which administers the program and distribute the funds and grants to those people in need.

B&L is a monthly monetary contributor to this program.



Stillwater Makes a Change (SMAC) Week is an annual philanthropic campaign initiated and led by Stillwater High School students to raise money and awareness for a local charity.  

The SMAC 207-2018 beneficiary is Our Daily Bread.

B&L is a yearly monetary contributor to this awesome organization.

Saville Center

Saville Center

The Saville Center for Child Advocacy envisions a community where children are valued and healthy families thrive.  We are often the first step in a child abuse investigation and provide wrap-around services and support throughout the process.

The mission of The Saville Center for Child Advocacy is to facilitate the protection, prevention,
and healing of victims of child abuse and to promote the health of families in our community.

B&L is a yearly monetary contributor to this fantastic organization.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

National Women Build Week, held April 30 through May 7, challenges women to devote at least one day to building simple, decent and affordable housing in their local communities. More than 62,000 women from all 50 states have volunteered in previous years.

Some of the B&L women, wives, and children helped out this year in Stillwater on May 6, 2017.

Stillwater YMCA


Today, the Y engages more than 10,000 neighborhoods across the U.S. As the nation’s leading nonprofit committed to helping people and communities to learn, grow and thrive.

By nurturing the potential of every child and teen, improving the nation’s health and well-being, and supporting and serving our neighbors, the Y ensures that everyone has the opportunity to become healthier, more confident, connected and secure.

B&L is a yearly monetary contributor to this incredible organization.

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread is a new organization that will help out many families in the Payne County area.  This food and resource center will be set up like a grocery story where a family can come once every 30 days in order to stock up on food and necessary items.  

B&L was able to help this organization by providing the heating and air at cost, volunteer time,  as well as other monetary donations.



Dedicated to collecting, preserving, and interpreting the history of Stillwater, Oklahoma, the Stillwater History Museum seeks to increase public interest in and knowledge of Stillwater history.   The Museum features exhibits about Stillwater and Payne County from the first land run that opened Oklahoma Territory for settlement in 1889 to the end of the twentieth century. 

B&L is a yearly monetary contributor to this unique organization.

Stillwater Humane Society

Stillwater Humane Society

Stillwater Humane Society is a great organization here in Stillwater to help wayward animals.  This is a non-profit organization for adoptable animals, dedicated to saving lives.  They are often in need of help so please reach out to them and see what is truly needed as it often changes monthly.  

B&L promotes various animals that need to be adopted each month via Stillwater Radio and Facebook live.  Follow us to see which animal is the next one to need a loving home!

CASA Fundraiser
CASA Fundraiser
Stw Humane Society.jpg
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B&L Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

1907 W. McMurtry

Stillwater, OK  74075

405.372.COOL (2665)

License #75951

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